Core Agri Tech Solutions, Inc. is a duly registered corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with business address at 3048 F. Bautista St. corner Cuadra St., Barangay Ugong, Valenzuela City, Philippines, with office phone number +63 (02) 426-7077. Its website is , and email address is [email protected].
The company started in February 2016. The company engages in supplying and installing equipment and housing for poultry and swine farms. The partners of the company have more than a decade of experience in automated ventilation and automated production systems for livestock and poultry houses. The partners are also specialists in poultry and pig husbandry and do business consultations with potential investors and owners of farm facilities. The company provides equipment, housing, management services, and technical services for Controlled Climate System (CCS) poultry broiler farms, layer farms, poultry breeder farms, and for complete swine production farms.
The company started in February 2016. The company engages in supplying and installing equipment and housing for poultry and swine farms. The partners of the company have more than a decade of experience in automated ventilation and automated production systems for livestock and poultry houses. The partners are also specialists in poultry and pig husbandry and do business consultations with potential investors and owners of farm facilities. The company provides equipment, housing, management services, and technical services for Controlled Climate System (CCS) poultry broiler farms, layer farms, poultry breeder farms, and for complete swine production farms.
To be the premier provider of technologically innovative farm systems and services, aiming to uplift the Philippine livestock industry.
To enhance livestock production thru the application of globally proven new technologies.
To be an active partner to the Filipino livestock producer by providing prompt and reliable service To educate the Filipino livestock producer on technological advancements in livestock production, animal husbandry and environmentally compliant practices. |